Prof. Joep Knol works in the ZOL hospital in Genk (Belgium) and also in Hospital Maas en Kempen in Maaseik.
ZOL Genk has 811 hospital beds, while Maas and Kempen has 213.
With a combined number of hospital beds this is one of the larger hospitals in Belgium.
In Genk, where the Sint-Jan campus is located, there are other activities:
- De Limburgse Zorgacademie (LiZa): This is a trainingscenter for nurses. The project was realized by the “Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KHLim)”, HBO Verpleegkunde Genk and ZOL
- Kinderpsychiatrisch Centrum (KPC) (Psychiatric Center for Children)
- Kinderdagverblijf Wombat (Kindergarten)
It’s the ambition to create a real healthcare city around the hospital, consisting of small shops, an infirmary, healtcare organisations and a park for relaxation.
Joep Knol is also a consultant at the Policlinico Morgagni in Catania, Sicily (Italy).
Together with Prof. Sergio Castorina (Chair Department of Abdominal and Oncological Surgery) a few times a year he operates more complex cases.
As a visiting professor he teaches “Human Anatomy” and “Master in Surgical and Laparoscopic Anatomy” at the University of Catania..